Computer Aided Room Acoustics v2.1
LANGUAGE: English & Deutsch
FIX : Retail
This overview describes the functions and the procedures of the new release CARA® 2.1/2.2 PLUS. Those who know about CARA® may preferably read the chapters describing the new functions (red color).
In this context we would like to draw your attention especially to the PLUS-Functions:
* 'Acoustic Ambiance': Evaluation of the basic acoustic characteristics of the room and suggestions for improving room acoustics by changing the wall materials or the furniture.
* 'Auralization': Enables you to compare aurally the original sound of a piece of music with its reproduction in the (virtual) room. You may also perform listening test comparing the sound of the loudspeakers placed at different locations in the room.
CARACAD is a powerful CAD tool tailored to the task of sound room design. The property sheets 'Floor', 'Ceiling', 'Wall', 'Speaker & Listener', and 'Room' points out an efficient sequencing of the step by step approach for the room design.
1. Room Basics (Wizard for a new room design)
2. Change the Floor Plan
3. Insert Furniture
4. Material Surfaces
5. Selection of Materials (Shows the frequency response of the sound absorption coefficients)
6. Acoustic Ambiance (Evaluation of the basic acoustic characteristics of the room)
7. Positioning of Speakers and Listener (L-shaped positioning regions)
8. 3D View of Your Sound Room
2. Calculations
CARACALC calculates the acoustics of your sound room. (Calculating times noticeably improved)
1. Positional Optimization (Symmetry constraints)
2. Auralization (Listening tests in the (virtual) room)
3. Sound Field Calculation
4. Calculating Parameters
5. Calculation Tracer
6. Comparison: CARA and Measurements
3. Results 2D
Presentation of the results (e.g. of a Special Calculation) is brought up from the calculation module CARACALC. The results are presented by the module ETS2DView.
For this you click on the menu items Results / Special Calculation to open the results dialog box for 'Special Calculations'. You may select the results for the Total Set of Loudspeakers, for a Loudspeaker Group, or for a Single Loudspeaker.
1. Frequency Response
2. Location Diagram
3. Reverberation Diagram
4. Frequency Dependence of Reverberation Times
5. Frequency Dependence of the Averaged Sound Absorption Coefficients
4. Results 3D
Presentation of the results of Sound Field Calculations (3D) are also brought up from the calculation module CARACALC. These results are presented by the module ETS3DView.
For this you click on the menu items Results / Sound Field Calculation to open the results dialog box for 'Sound Field Calculation'. For Sound Field Calculations you decide if the calculations (and the results) shall refer to the Total Set of Speakers, to a Loudspeaker Group, or to a Single Loudspeaker with the start of the calculations. Therefore a respective selection in the results dialog box is not required.
1. SPL Frequency Dependence (Standing Waves)
2. Animated Standing Waves
3. Animated Transient Room Response
4. Evaluation of Sound Coloration
5. Evaluation of Stereophonic Sound Localization
5. Loudspeakers
1. The CARA Loudspeaker Data Base
2. Customize Your CARA Loudspeaker Model (New types: dipole radiators and act./pass. subwoofers)
3. Directivity Patterns of Loudspeakers
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